But for us, honestly I feel like these words ("merry and bright") describes where we are. I took Ava Jane to the doctor yesterday for her one week check up after being discharged, and she looked great! Dr. Byrum just reiterated to me that had we lived anywhere else in the state, we most likely would not have made it to the hospital with a living baby...that, based on the information he had received from the hospital, had her PDA closed any sooner, she would have simply died before we could have gotten her to the hospital where they put her on the medicine to hold the duct open. So to look at her now, after these few short weeks from where we were, I'm filled with "merry and bright" thoughts as I think about what "can be" now that her little heart is fixed! God is good!
And as I look around my house I'm filled with "merry and bright" things because my good friend Michele James decorated my house for me! She came into house while I was in the hospital with Ava Jane and decorated for me so that we'd be able to experience a some what "normal" holiday! Literally Adam got down all the Christmas stuff, I ran home and pulled things out so it was some what organized when she got there, but for the most part everything was simply in boxes and she came in and did it ALL! I can't thank her enough for beautifying my home for me! She does this for people at the holiday's so if you're interested in getting her contact information, message me with your email address and I'll get it to you!
Here's the tree...

My mantle...

A close up of the mantle...

3 Tiered trees

In the Living Room

Lawson loves to hold his baby sister...her Christmas daygown says it all..."JOY"; that's what I feel these days, pure joy for where we are and what God's saved us from!

Last night Adam and I sat on the couch counting our blessings and this sweet little one got to enjoy the beautiful lights and Christmas music too. All is peaceful, merry and bright! Thank you Lord for what you've done.
I am singing Him praises, and thanking Him daily!

And just keepin' it real here on "Head Happenings"...after much fidgeting and scrunching, and a little bit of fussing...the bow won! But somehow, she fell asleep with it across her face, feathers and all...she truly is easy going, laid back and all in all pretty chill, which is a good thing because Emerson keeps me hoppin'!