This Mama is pretty much at her wits end when it comes to #2. You name it, I've tried it. Candy, toys, new movies, removal of toys, praying for him and praying with him--asking God to help him poop in the potty. I can't seem to find a combination that works for him yet, but I'm obviously not gonna give up! I am confident that he won't go to Kindergarten without being potty trained…but I do hope it happens quicker rather then later cause Kindergarten is three years away!
Though he's still not perfected it, he's doing really good and I want to give him every opportunity to succeed so I'm trying something I never did with Peyton or Lawson. Currently we are taking our "frog potty" with us everywhere we go. We've used it in parking lots and driveways all over Little Rock. Though he's quite vocal and very loud normally, he has still not regularly asked or even told me that he needs to go so I'm constantly asking and offering him the use of a potty, and any potty will do, especially his "frog potty" which he LOVES! So far, it's been working.
He's pretty cute don't you think? He'll probably kill me one day for posting this picture, but it's part of our daily routine right now, so I thought I'd be remiss not to document our woes and successes so that in three years, when we have other struggles, I can look back and realize that things do get better, they do eventually improve and as my wonderful Meema used to say "this too shall pass!"

I've only been a parent for seven years, so I'm not an expert, but for me, potty training has most assuredly been the most difficult thing so far. It's challenging because I'm constantly having to evaluate if he really doesn't understand, or if he's just being lazy; if it's "just not clicked yet" or if he's simply not trying. And I have to keep a check on my own frustration level and attitude which seemingly can swing to the tip top side of irritated and verges on anger at times...just being honest.
So, if you think of me, would you join me in praying for continued success on the potty for this precious, most polite, kind hearted, energetic, full of life little boy who is trying really hard to be big?! I would be ever so appreciative!
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