It's been a fun weekend celebrating Peyton's 6th Birthday. His real birthday was Friday the 16th, we fixed his favorite breakfast which is pancakes and sausage then he headed off to school; he got to have lunch with his Gigi; then I took all the kiddos with me up to the school to take a treat to celebrate with Peyton's class. He was super excited to get to leave school a little bit early! We ordered his favorite pizza, ate cake and watched a movie! It was a great day!
Yesterday, we celebrated with friends and family at a Pirate themed birthday party. It was quite a hit, the kids seemed to have a great time!
Everyone was greated by "CPT Eugene Sparrow" (according to Adam, that's Jack Sparrow's long lost brother...) Got to love that walrus mustache...and those side burns...looks pretty real huh?
And there's our birthday boy! It's hard to believe he's 6!
Here's the dessert table; made to look like a ship...
These pirate marshmellow pops were super easy. I used red melts from Michael's and a black edible pen to draw on the face and eye patch, the boys loved them.

The carribean colored "ocean water" was a tastey punch, the ring pops and whoppers aka "canon balls" were a big hit too...and how about those fondant cupcake toppers, how cute are those? I got them from
here, off Etsy. I loved them!! I used a printable from
here to do the banner, invitation, labels, water bottle wraps, etc. I loved how it all turned out!
All the kids got to dress up like a pirate...there were pirate hats, eye patches, swords and compasses for everyone...I got all the dress up stuff from Oriental Trading Company and the compasses from Hobby Lobby. I also bought a bunch of burlap and a roll of twine that was on sale at Hobby Lobby and wrapped moving boxes to look like crates on a the deck of a ship…
CPT Eugene Sparrow told the kids, in his most piratey sounding accent, about his hidden treasure...the kids were given 4 clues that were hidden all over the house that led them to the treasure chests...
Here were the clues...

If you’re hearing this you’re on the right path
To finding me hidden treasure at last.
I hid it near here many long years ago
When without me booty I had to go.
Those swashbucklers they chased me never cutting me slack
But the treasure I robbed, they’ll never get back!
It’s yours for the taking no doubt about that
But to find it you’ll need me treasure map.
So listen up well, its hidden near here
If you follow the clues, it soon will appear.
Here’s your 1st Clue—go to the room where we watch tv
Under the oval table, that’s where she be!
Look under that table, I’m happy to say
You’ll find Clue #2 to point out the way
Here’s Clue #2-Go climb the stairs
Walk down the small hall, that is if you dare.
You’ll find a small chair, that is where you sit,
You’ll find Clue #3 when you sit down in it.
You’ve found Clue #3, you’re proving quite clever
But you’ll need Clue #4 if you’re looking for treasure.
Out on the deck there you’ll see a table
You’ll find Clue #4, if find it you’re able.
Aha, you are smart ones, you’ve found #4
Now look for some stairs and our basement door.
Way down at the bottom you’ll see boxes for digging
Fill up your sacks then go help with the rigging.
We sure do hope your adventures been fun
Now GO, find your treasure the hunting’s almost done!
We turned our deck into a ship’s deck…
They used their sacks to hold all their hidden treasures: gold coins, necklaces and rings…
After that we blew up the bounce house…
We sang happy birthday and everyone chowed down on all the sugary goodness!
Then it was presents time…he LOVED everything, in fact he’s been playing with all his new things non-stop since the party yesterday! He told me this morning, “Mom, I loved my pirate party!” I think it was huge success!
Thanks so much to everyone who came and helped us celebrate!!