Sunday, March 6, 2016

A Ninja Party: Lawson's 7th Birthday

March can be such a hard time of year to do a home birthday party because in Arkansas it could be cold or rainy and having a party in the house with a bunch of boys IS.NOT.AN.OPTION!  So, recently a friend of mine posted pictures of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles party at one of Little Rock's local taekwondo places that looked super fun so I decided to check into it.  The woman had me at "Hello...yes we have all the TMNT costumes, we'll work on kicks and punches, breaking boards, and do some ninja obstacles!" This was holy music to this Momma's ears to think all I'd have to do is bring the food, drinks and party favors! What a blessed relief!


I do think the boys had such a great time!   Lawson said "Mom, that was so awesome!"  (I think it was a hit!)  They started with some stretches and moved on to balance moves with some kicks thrown in there.



They did some relay races too.



I was impressed with the respect and obedience that was taught and required of them in just the short two hour party.  I can really appreciate the discipline that Master Smith required and am curious if doing something like this regularly would help them in the area of respecting me and other people so we are going to try out a few promotional classes to see.

The obstacle course was a blast!   Even Ava Jane got in on that.  Then Master Smith asked all the parents to join in on a game of dodgeball.   That was intense and super fun to do!  It was a bit of a free for all and Adam did whack a child in the head, thankfully kids are resilient!






After the obstacles and dodgeball fun, we were "surprised" by Raphael who came out and showed us some of his moves which included breaking a board as well as kicks and punches.



Next up was the pizza party and cupcakes, Japanese style.

I thought this throne (made out of all the punching and kicking "shields") was pretty awesome! Lawson certainly enjoyed sitting on it to open up all his gifts.  I can hardly believe he's seven years old, what fun we had celebrating our Lawson James.

1 comment:

Spring Break: The Sweet Spot

I've been running mach 2 with my hair on fire and have not been posting as much as I'd like to on this here blog.  I'm a few wee...