In my searching I found this blog, A Sense of the Resurrection, and used it as a jumping off point for helping to reiterate the true Easter story to my boys by using their senses! We are on Day 2 and they've really enjoyed it and have been soaking up the different portions of the high price that Jesus paid on our behalf!
This afternoon while cleaning up from lunch I heard Peyton telling Lawson what each Resurrection Egg warmed my heart to hear him explain what he knows, it was one of those sweet moments that melted my heart!

Here's what we've been doing so far...I'll add each days topic and activity after we've tried it out and let you know how it goes!
Day 1-Mary Anointing Jesus with perfume (using the sense of smell)
We started these resurrection activities by studying John 12 and Matthew 26 where Mary anoints Jesus with perfume. I had the boys sit at the table and I read to them first from my Bible, then I used the Beginners Bible to have pictures to show them. I went to the Dollar Store and bought an oil diffuser with reed sticks and had the boys smell the oil. We talked about why Mary anointed Him (because He is King), why she anointed his feet (to show that He's our Servant King), we talked about how lovely it smelled and how it "filled the house with the fragrance" (as a reminder of what Jesus was about to do). The kids had fun smelling the oil and reading from "Mommy's Bible"
Day 2-Make Way For The King-(sense of touch and hearing)
Today we read from Luke 19:28-38, where Jesus makes his Triumphal Entry. I started our time by tracing the boys hands on green construction paper (touch) and then we cut out all their hand prints and glued them onto popsicle sticks to make "palm branches". They had a great time with these. After we'd made them I had them wave the branches and say "Hosanna, Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord" (hearing). They got into it and we'd say it loudly and softly. After a few minutes I opened my Bible to Luke and read the story emphasizing things as I went, then to reiterate it, I read the story again from their Beginner Bible.

Here they're saying "Hosanna, Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"