Friday we got the chance to do lunch with Adam's brother, John and his girlfriend, Sidney. We enjoyed our burgers at 5 Guys Burger and Fries then headed over to the bowling alley. (We had a rainbow of balls to choose from from 5-14 lbs.)

It's always a bit chaotic with our little posse but here's a few of the highlights:
Emerson preferred to sit alone at this table, sipping on his Sprite, then to bowl.

Lawson kept rolling balls down the lane and not quite rolling them hard enough so they'd get stuck slowly rolling toward the pins and a couple of times the ball actually just stopped all together, to which his solution was to just roll another one down the lane….really son?!! NO! Here he's doing a little happy dance.

Ava Jane sat cool, calm and collected for 1.5 hours in her umbrella stroller then became stir crazy after that, throwing my phone, her sippy cup and anything else we gave her to the ground. It was a beautiful sight on lanes 3 and 4!
Peyton, who happened to get several Strikes (way to go Buddy), also kept knocking the bumpers pretty good and popped the first portion of it totally off!

There's a line you're not supposed to cross with your toes and if you do, it will steadily beep at you…needless to say, we got used to hearing that noise!
Overall, I think the kids had fun and it was nice to get out of the house on that rainy day. We enjoyed the conversation with John and Sidney even with the above mentioned craziness! Thanks for coming out with us! And I didn't play too shabby the second time around.

On Saturday we had the opportunity to go out to the King's property to see their newest little calf who is only 4 days old. The boys were in heaven out on their farm. It was a beautiful day and such a pretty piece of land that they live on.

The boys loved playing king on the hill. What little boy doesn't love a good dirt pile?

Look at that dirty bo-bo.

We had a picnic with my parents on our way to Wye Mountain. It was a beautiful day but kinda chilly when the wind blew.

Wye Mountain was beautiful this year as it was last year.

The kids had fun running like crazy through the fields of flowers and of course wrestling.

We had fun with G-Dad and Gigi.

The boys enjoyed hiding in the brush too…they were pretending to be camouflaged.

This was the best we could get with me and the kiddos…no one's looking…big shocker?!!

Here's more pics of my sweet family…

And this one is A.DOR.ABLE!! A real keeper!