Friday night Adam and I got to enjoy a date night while the grandparents kept the kiddos, though it did get slightly hijacked by the fact that my wallet wound up missing and we spent the next hour and a half looking for it. We called our credit card company and the bank checking to see if there'd been any transactions, and there hadn't been so, finally after much frustration and STILL no wallet, having already missed our reservation, we decided to forgo the said plan, and going out anyway!

We ended up at Mellow Mushroom around 8:30pm...which in my toddler/preschool world, is SUPER late for dinner. Mama here was about to chew off her arm when the oh so kind waiter welcomed us to the table and announced that it'd be "at least 30-35 minutes on a pizza"...are you kidding me? I haven't eaten that late ever, I don't think! We ordered the spinach artichoke dip and scarfed it down in no time flat! Our Thai pizza arrived and we didn't just love it, but we were so hungry that it didn't matter. I think next time I'll stick with my favorite, which is the Kosmic Karma.

Saturday was filled with fun shower plans, then all of our families got back together to have pizza that night, it was so fun to be with good friends!
Sunday night we celebrated my birthday with my family. My Mom and Dad cooked an oh so tastey meal that we all thoroughly enjoyed! The boys wanted to "cheers" with their chocolate milk"...

Dad, thanks for being such a wonderful Dad to me! I'm so grateful to be able to spend time together and to enjoy life along side one another! You are a blessing in my life, thanks for helping to celebrate another year! We did manage to get a group shot...though we missed Whit and Rob; they weren't able to make it because they are both out of town...can't wait to here more about the time in Cali, and being on the vineyard!

My crazy crew of boys...

My sweet Mama and Me! What would I do without a Mama who loves me so well?! I just appreciate so much all the sacrifices and time you invested, and still invest, into me. Now with my own kids I realize just how hard mothering can be. You did it well, you set before me a great example to follow and I'm just really grateful to be able to have your experience and wisdom now as I walk these roads with my kids. I love you Mom! I am blessed to be your daughter!

Then came Monday, my actual birthday! Adam took off, which was a treat in and of itself! He let me sleep in, which was A-MAZ-ING and made me a big breakfast with omelets. We loaded up the kids (cause Peyton was out of school too) and headed down to the river. We enjoyed the beautiful, crisp morning together.

The view of Pinnacle and the fall colors was breath taking.

I had a great birthday spending time with those I love. Can you tell this picture was taken at the end? At least we got one, right?!

And my day didn't end there...we celebrated with the Head's that evening and y'all, I wish I had stopped to take a picture of the meal, it's a real shame that I did not because it was so thoughtfully prepared. Donna outdid herself for sure, with a 3 course meal that began with crab bisque soup (she knows I love crab meat), followed up with seasonal vegetables, wild rice, pork tenderloin, rolls, and my requested Apple a word, it was D-Lish!
Thank you to everyone who sent cards, texts, emails, made phone calls, and just said they loved me! I felt (and still feel) loved. Here's to another great year...I look forward to what this next one may hold!