Monday, April 2, 2012

Resurrection Activity: Day 3-Last Supper

Our Resurrection Activity for Day 3 used the sense of taste as we broke bread together and talked about what it means for each of us.
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Again, to show them that what we read from their Beginner Bible is exactly what we have in our "big Bible's" we read to the boys from Matthew 26, portions of Mark 14 and Luke 22. Then Adam read it again from their picture Bible. The boys really did pay pretty good attention.
Picnik collage

We focused on the bread and the wine and what it symbolizes. Adam explained that the bread was like Jesus' body that had to be broken for our sins then explained that the grape juice was like the blood that was shed for us. Lawson said, "So is that blood?" We told him "no" it's just a symbol, a reminder of the blood that Jesus bled for us. It was too cute to see him digesting what we were telling him and then to see him asking questions, he really was listening!
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Picnik collage
Picnik collage

I got some of these ideas from here, and I really liked how she concisely explained all of this..."But this is how God will rescue the whole world. It's as if Jesus is saying, my life will break and God's broken world will mend. My heart will tear apart-and your hearts will be healed. Just as the passover lamb died, so now I will die instead of you. My blood will wash away all of your sins. And you'll be clean on the inside-in your hearts!"

The boys have really enjoyed these activities and have really been grasping what Easter is about...I'm praying that their little hearts can absorb just how much Jesus really does love them.

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