Here we were celebrating with Donna's side of the family! It was fun getting to know Roger more, what a cute couple he and Michelle make!

This was Emerson's first Christmas...And Terry and Jeff came with his famous guacamole dip, which I must say was divine!

It was Jojo's first Christmas too!

Joseph singing "Mary Did You Know" and "Feliz Navidad"

And Christmas morning, they waited on the steps til I could get my camera...

They really liked all that Santa brought them...the nerf rifle was a huge hit for Peyton...he kept calling it a "gun shooter" it was pretty cute to see him with it! Looks like Poppy became the target, whoops!

Lawson loves his "big Mater" and Emerson is enjoying all the new toys he got as well!

Opening up their stockings...

Then we went to Mom and Dad's house for a midday Christmas celebration...

Mom had prepared a tastey lunch and we got to enjoy the traditional Holiday Poppers which always have a fun gold crown in them along with a small toy and a fortune for the future...Peyton had fun with his noise maker!

What a great day we had celebrating the birth of Jesus our Savior! It's always such fun to be together and make memories as a family! We look forward to seeing everyone again, hopefully sooner rather then later!