But once at the airport we began to relax and enjoy the trip. Here we are taking off in Little Rock. The boys were so kind to pull our carry-ons through the Houston airport; unfortunately we didn't have that direct flight we'd been hoping for and we ended up with a three hour layover, but without the kids, we enjoyed leisure conversations while awaiting our flight to the slopes.
We landed in Utah on a beautiful afternoon. We easily got our bags, rental car and headed to Canyons Resort. The ride truly was quick and easy from the airport to the mountain, which is a huge plus over the drive from Denver to the slopes. Our first morning we were there started with a nice powdery snow. The views were so pretty and some that I'd never seen before, like these gorgeous birch trees, I've never seen them in person and they dotted the mountains all over Utah.
Canyons (a Vail property) was a really nice resort. At the base of the mountain they had musicians playing steel drums and guitars which was very entertaining and they passed out granola bars as we got on the lifts, overall, our experience there was terrific. They even had an orange "bubble" lift that had heated seats and an orange "bubble" shield that kept us warm on the very long lift to the top; it quickly became my favorite one on the mountain.
Each night we went into Park City for dinner (which was just a short 5-10 minute drive). Main Street was lit up with whimsical lights and there were all kinds of fun local restaurants to choose from. We ate at the Blue Iguana, Yuki Yami Sushi, Riverhorse and Fletchers which are all definite repeaters, you must try them if you go!
I was reminded how much I truly enjoy snow skiing. It's something that Adam and I both really like to do and it's something, that as the kids get older, will be a fun experience to share as a family. It's been two years now since we took the boys and both Adam and I, were inspired (as we saw all the little skiers) to get a trip planned for all of us to go next season.
It was such a fun trip from start to finish. We found a couple that we can snow ski with, talk to (with no lull in conversation), laugh and share with but let me not forget this--we vacationed with a couple who can dominate in Spades. We had two nights of card playing and I must say my nature is quite competitive when it comes to cards. Being brutally honest, there was one humbling moment when my attitude got the better of me. I acted childishly and did in fact leave the table for a few minutes to calm down, then I returned to apologize thinking the game was certainly over for the night. Poor Adam, Sarah and Chris had to endure my competitive nature and bad attitude. They were all thoroughly gracious to me as we resumed the game. Ross', hopefully I didn't scared you too badly, I do hope we can have a rematch here in Little Rock, I promise I won't leave the table next time! It was brutal at times (as these cards show). I often say, "I have a hand like a foot" which is what most of the rounds in Utah looked like..its still no excuse for bad behavior, so again, "I am so sorry for my bad behavior!"
As we were trying to return all our gear it was snowing like crazy so our dear sweet husbands carried ALL the boots, poles, skies and helmets to the shop so that we didn't have to get out and ruin our hair before dinner. How thoughtful are they?!!
Our time away was refreshing and fun. I really enjoyed being with Adam and having friends along too, made it even better, we'll definitely have to do it again! (I would say "TTFN"--tata for now-- to the snow and wintry weather, but Ole Man Winter seems to have followed us back to Arkansas. We're now on our second day (for this week) of school closings….guess its an early start to the weekend, which I can't complain about!)

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