Starting with last weekend:
High: My Mom and I made a trip down to Lake Village, AR to go shopping at Paul Michael, you can check out some of their items HERE. It's totally worth the 2 hour drive. They have really great prices on furniture, home decor as well as seasonal items. They are just starting to get their Christmas stuff in, and its beautiful. It is a definite "must go" if you get the chance this fall, I promise you won't be disappointed, its a great girls day trip from Little Rock because you can leave at 8am and be back by 3 or 4 that afternoon.
The drive is really easy and honestly very pretty as you get to see all different types of Arkansas agriculture.

We had Emerson and Ava Jane with us. Emerson did this most of the trip.

And we decided to turn Emerson's water wing into a bottle holder, it propped Ava Jane's bottle perfectly while we continued our trek down South. I must say I'd recommend this little trick to help you out if your little one can't hold their bottle very well.

Low: Being that there aren't very many restaurant choices in that part of Arkansas, Mom and I chose to stop at Sonic instead of McDonald's and honestly, it was a real LOW, and I usually really love Sonic. All we ordered was two large boxes of popcorn chicken, 2 medium vanilla cokes and an apple juice but the lady taking our order came back saying that they were out of popcorn chicken and vanilla, so we ended up with 2 boxes of chicken strips (that don't hold a candle to Chick-Fil-A's), 2 medium cherry cokes and Emerson's Minute Maid Apple Juice (it's hard to mess up a juice box!).

High: I went to fill up the Suburban and much to my great pleasure, this was the price per gallon that I paid for my gas!! Can you believe that? I actually saved $1/gallon! Isn't that awesome?!

LOW: The only reason that I was able to get that much off on my Kroger gasoline was because I'd spent over $600 in groceries that WEEK, from having to re-stock my pantry that was invaded by ants. YUCK!!!
High: My Mom asked to take the boys with her one morning, so they got to have a little field trip down at the Little Rock Police Department. They thought the Jr. Badges that they got were so cool! It's such a blessing to have grandparents that love our children and want to be with them! Gotta love Lawson's stoic look here.

Low: The reason my Mom was taking the boys to the LRPD, unfortunately was because she is helping to head up Crime Prevention in their neighborhood, and just the night before, another family that we know who lives near them, had their home broken into.

High: Peyton has become the most helpful little guy. I just have to continue bragging on him. He has started vacumming our entire house WIHTOUT even being asked. He regularly, as in EVERY DAY, has been doing this both in the morning and the afternoon and I am oh so thankful for his helpful spirit.

Low: The fact that no matter how hard he (Peyton) or I work to keep the house clean and picked up, the dust bunnies seemingly never go away, the laundry continues to pile up and potty mold keeps growing!
High: Getting into my car yesterday and finding this sweet note taped to my steering wheel. Adam knows how important "gifts" are to me and my love language, I don't necessarily want things that have to be bought, simply just things that let me know that he's thinking of me. Things like this precious note or the Southern Living magazine under my pillow, speaks volumes to me. I love him tremendously and am so grateful to have a husband that takes the time and the energy to love me well.

Low: The reason Adam wrote the precious note was because he has been super swamped at work and has had many many early morning as well as many late night meetings the past few weeks.
So there's a little recap of the past week. I'm looking forward to a low key weekend, getting to enjoy the beauty of Lake Ouachita and spending time with family next week.