Our friend Stephanie drove up to see Lindsey with me and what fun it was to catch up...it'd been way too long since we'd all seen each other face to face, so it was quite a treat! Both mine and Stephanie's husband's stayed home with the three little boys we each have and covered down on the home front, "thanks honey" you got big points this weekend! Steph and I enjoyed the uninterrupted conversation for the six plus hours that we were in the car together (going up and coming back), ahhhh to have time to think, process and discuss disciplinary issues with the kids, life with our husbands, trips that we're going to be taking and just visit, was oh so therapeutic! Thanks Steph for being such a great co-pilot and for helping with Ava Jane, who I must say is quite the little traveler, she hardly made a peep the whole day, she is adorable and oh so precious!! Steph, let's do another road trip soon!!

Then Sunday, Adam and I headed up to the hospital to see some friends who've recently adopted a set of twins. The first thing I said when I got to hold that sweet little fella, was "you have certainly been prayed over". To be apart of praying for Carol and John, and getting to watch upclose as they walked this road that God has planned for them, has been such a priviledge for us. It is amazing to see God in the details, to watch Him orchestrate the path for their family and what a thrill it will be as we get to see these two precious blessings get to come home and start this life that God has ordained for them! I've said it before, and I'll say it again, these kids are getting such an amazing family, anyone would want to be apart of it, but how fortunate that Violet and William get to be the lucky ones! You can read the beginning of God's story for these sweet little ones HERE. There's such potential in them, such greatness, I can't wait to watch and see what the Lord does in and through these babies and this family!