I will confess that, since we spent a portion of December in the hospital and then it was a fast and furious holiday season, Emerson's birthday (which is Jan 9th) didn't really cross my radar until a few days before his actual birthday. I usually love planning and prepping for parties, but this one just snuck up on me, with little time to plan!
I sat and thought about things that Emerson likes and balls are one of them so I decided to go with a bouncy ball theme. And since I was going with that theme and wanted the kids to truly be able to enjoy kicking, throwing and playing with all sizes and colors of balls, I decide to go easy on myself and booked the gym and play area at First Baptist Church. When I contacted the church there were a couple different time slots available, I took the first one (9-11) because the other time slot was during his nap time. It was early but it turned out great!
Due to the fact the party was first thing Saturday morning, we loaded the cars with all the party stuff the night before. I literally had 9 lawn and leaf bags filled with 26, large bouncy balls and 4 sacks of small ball pit balls too. As we were loading Adam's truck Emerson decided to be a real "helper" and chunked several balls down our street, Peyton and Adam took off running in the pitch black chasing these balls down our hill...they got back up to our driveway and again he chunked another handful of balls down the street...we love our little "helper"!
With trying to keep things simple and easy, I ordered or bought everything for the party...no home made items at this celebration...the only thing I did was cut out the printables...Mom, once again you came to my rescue and I loved the cupcake toppers, food labels, water bottles and invitations, thanks!

I picked up cupcakes and cinnamon rolls at Sam's, got donut holes from Shipley's, I purchased pre-cut fruit from Kroger and water bottles along with Capri Suns from Target. I thought it'd be fun to set out the donuts in cute little individual punch cups and I purchased the ball (cupcake toppers) from Vanness, a store here in Little Rock, which, by the way, is very handy for any and all cookie or cake decorating needs you might have.

We had balls galore, which served as entertainment during the party and as the kids party favor too!

It was a toddler's paradise...

What a cute birthday boy! And he's getting so big!!

The Dad's enjoyed playing some basketball...while the Mama's visited...everyone win's in these types of situations: kids are entertained, parents can play/visit, it was a score all around!

The bounce house was lots of fun, especially with all the balls in there too!

It was complete mayhem, but they had a blast!

Getting ready to sing to the birthday boy...

This was his favorite part, he'd been singing Happy Birthday to himself all morning!

Happy Birthday to our sweet boy! Can't believe he's 2 years old!!

Enjoying some cupcakes...

We had fun celebrating with him! Can hardly believe he's TWO!!