This week we had Adam's Mom, sisters (Molly and Grace) and baby nephew (JoJo) come for a "girls" get-away...what a great time we had together! We enjoyed just hanging out, shopping (while the big boys were at preschool), cooking together, and visiting with one of Molly's good friends Luda, who drove down from Atlanta to meet baby Joseph.

While she was here we enjoyed a fun game of Scattergories, some of the answers were hysterical! Here are a few that gave us all a great laugh, one category was "Things you're afraid of", it had to start with a "B" so I put "Brown Bears" (not black bears, but brown bears, really?) Donna kept putting any answer that came to mind whether or not it started with the right letter, the best example was this one, we were supposed to list "Something you order off a menu" that started with an "O", she excitedly proclaimed her answer to be "Egg Salad Sandwiches" mmm...great answer if the letter was "E" but since it was "O" don't think that one works! Grace's funny answer to "Something that is sticky" that starts with a "C" was corn....you know all that sticky corn? Don't you always think "man, if this corn wasn't so sticky?!!" We had a great time and made a funny memory with our answers!

The next morning, the electricy was out from the severe thunderstorms we'd had that night which meant the T.V. didn't work, so Peyton set to "fix the TV." Here, he and Lawson are "working" on the problem at hand!

We'll NEVER forget our 2 nights spent in the basement bedroom of our house while tornados ripped thru Birmingham! We were all in there, 5 adults and 4 kids, 4 years and under and of course Tucker too...it really was fun, we played Candy Land, and had Chutes and Ladders along with Memory on standby...we read a couple of books before it got dark...then we took to trying to keep a 4 and 2 year old from blowing out the candles or setting the room on fire by knocking one over! It was an adventure for sure! Thankfully we'd already made dinner so when the electricity went out it was no problem...we simply packed up the Chicken Noodle Soup and Tomato Basil Bites and had a picnic in the basement...Peyton called it a "party in the basement", it will forever be a memory we think back on and laugh about...Adam kept going out to the car to listen to the radio for weather reports, P and L were good at first but the newness of the situation wore off and they became quite rowdy...after 4 or so hours in the basement we were glad to get the "all clear" to head back upstairs! We then had to negotiate through a pitch black house...finally around 3 am the power came back, and all those lights that had been left on were just blarring, what a great way to be awoken, huh Grace?! Seriously, we are very blessed and thankful to God for His protection on us because there is utter devistation in parts of Alabama as you all know from the news reports, but just around the corner from us it truly does look like a war zone. Here are some pictures from our basement experience:

Here you'll see a tree completely uprooted, one on a house and another laying across the powerlines.

This is our neighbors home, its hard to see in the picture, but the tree is completely covering the front of their home.

It really was a nice and relaxing visit with family, thanks guys, for making the trip out! Here are some pictures of all of us together and Grammy getting sweet kisses from her grandsons, they sure love you!