Oh my word, how can we have a child that is ELEVEN years old today?! I'm not really sure where the time has gone but I can say that I have loved almost every minute of this young mans precious life!
Every year I try to plan fun, themed birthday parties, but this year we for-went the party and pulled out another idea. Peyton loves watching the Golden State Warriors and Steph Curry is his favorite athlete right now. So when this Momma found out that the Golden State Warriors were playing the Memphis Grizzlies, we couldn't pass up the chance to surprise him! We decided to tell the kids we were going to run errands and needed to go by Home Depot for a few things around the house. We pulled out of the driveway and headed toward the store but we drove on past it, we continued onto the interstate and got all the way to the Maybelline factory on the other side of North Little Rock when Peyton finally asked, "Mom---where are we going?" To which I responded, "I thought you might never ask! Matter of fact, I have a gift right here with your name on it." He opened the sack and inside was a blue and yellow Golden State Warriors jersey the he'd been requesting. Peyton was thrilled! We told him, "hey we aren't driving to run any errands, we're driving to Memphis, Tennessee to see your favorite team play the Grizzlies!! He was shocked and beside himself which was so fun!! Here's the video of how the surprise went.

The game wasn't until later that evening to I thought it'd be fun to do the Memphis Zoo. The kids always enjoy it and we had really nice weather, not too hot or too cool.
This boy has my whole heart. Peyton Thomas Head is THE most caring, thoughtful, kind, servant-hearted young man that I have the privilege of knowing. He takes initiative in helping around our house when he sees something needs to be done, he cares for his siblings, he's obedient and all around a joy to parent. Peyton-- Daddy and I love you so much and are so incredibly grateful that God saw fit to put you into our family! I hope you feel loved today, for you surely are!!
That evening we ate some BBQ at The Neely's restaurant then Adam and Peyton headed off for the game. He had a great time watching Steph Curry and the whole team. Unfortunately Steph Curry and Kevin Durant got side ways with the refs and ultimately got ejected from the game. It was a win for the Grizzlies but Peyton LOVED seeing his team unclose and personal!

While they were at the game the other three stayed with me at the hotel and enjoyed the indoor pool--that is, they enjoyed the pool once we located some swimsuits, purchased some pajamas, clothes and tooth brushes! In our hurry to get all the bags and gifts hidden away in the suburban, Adam forgot to stick the kids suitcase in the back of the car, so when we determined that we were in the hotel room without a car and no kids clothes I quickly called Adam and said, "either you're gonna have to come back here and we'll all go to drop you off at the game and then I'll have the car or I'm going to have to call Uber to come get me and the other three children to take us to the nearest Target or Walmart." Thankfully he wasn't far from the hotel so he came back, we dropped them off, we found some shorts for the boys and the one loan swimsuit on the Target clearance rack for Ava Jane. Our night was almost ruined...Emerson was in tears but within the hour our plan was back in business....thankfully! There were tears and nashing of teeth when we had gotten to the room the first time after having been talking up the idea of swimming, only to find NO BAG and NO CLOTHES! That was not a good moment! Thankfully it was redeemed though! They were all smiles after that!

I think our surprise birthday celebration was super de-duper fun! I was thrilled to get him something he really wanted and to surprise him with it to boot! It felt like a real win all the way around!