Last week was another crazy week. It started with a visit to All For Kids. It seems we like to visit there every week here lately. Last week it was Ava Jane (with Scarlet Fever, Strep, Strep Impentigo and a Staph infection). This week it was Emerson with fever and a terrible sinus infection. Here's how we passed the time waiting for the doctor. Lawson had to go get his allergy shot so Adam and I divided and conquered then they joined us for part of our wait.
A few days later, the big boys went to Magic Springs with their grandparents so I just had the littles. It was strange but it gave me an idea of what this fall will feel like when both boys are in school. I do look forward to having more one on one time with these two sweeties but will miss the big boys while they're gone.
Thursday we met up with some friends at the zoo. It really was quite enjoyable since the weather was so mild. Ava Jane experienced the carousel for the first time and she thoroughly enjoyed it! And please take note of the red glove on Lawson's hand. He insisted on wearing it and sometimes you just don't ask questions or resist their requests. If its not life threatening or a must-do, its easier to just "go with it" so that's what I did and he rocked the glove all morning long!
We enjoyed just hanging out with friends (and the monkey's).
Getting to be outside in the pleasant weather was a real treat. We stopped to feed the fish. I must say they act like the NEVER get to eat.
Then Friday night we had some cousin time. The kids always love having Psalm and Pascha over and certainly enjoyed doing pizza and The Lego Movie.
The boys love climbing into the lockers in the church where I work out several times a week. I was changing into my swim suit so we could head to the pool while they kept themselves entertained with this monkey business.
And if all our visits to the different doctors offices over the past 2 weeks wasn't enough, we decided to throw in our six month dentist visit too. Everyone got in on the action this time. I must say Ava Jane did great on her first visit. They were impressed with her willingness to cooperate and I was too. She enjoyed watching Finding Nemo which played so wonderfully in the ceiling and served as a great distraction for her. All the boys had good reports too, we're still part of the no cavity club and that's always a good thing. I love Kitchen's Pediatric Dentistry, they make it super easy on a Mama who has several kiddos. The fact that they take them all back and get them done at the same time is A-MAZ-ING and so appreciated. We took up three chairs at once and were in and out of there in 45 minutes!
Tuesday, Mom and I enjoyed a girls day out. I got a sitter for several hours and we got to enjoy a relaxed shopping day. Walking up and down the charming streets of downtown Conway was a lot of fun. We found several cute antique stores, gift shops and places to eat. It was such a treat to just be together with no interruptions. Mom, lets please do it again soon!!
Wednesday, Ava Jane started running fever again randomly so we stayed home to play and chill out. We did lots of games, puzzles and read some library books. It was nice to be low key.
By the time Friday rolled around I definitely was ready to get out of the house so I decided to meet up with friends and let the kids enjoy the trampoline park since it was such a gloomy day. They had a lot of fun jumping and bouncing. Ava Jane was all over the place and I regularly found her milling around by the front door. I kept picking her up and bringing her back up to the play area but that girl was more interested in going up and down the stairs and running all over the main floor. She is becoming quite independent and is keeping me on my toes constantly.
To top off our morning we grabbed some lunch at Larry's Pizza with friends. I do have to say the volume coming out of table 20 was quite loud, we were definitely cheap entertainment for all the on lookers who were quietly enjoying their pizza. With just three of us Momma's we had eleven children (with one on the way)…we were certainly a three ring circus for sure. And there was that lovely moment when all the kids started chanting, "pepperoni pizza" over and over again to which I just stood up in the middle of a conversation and said "uh uh, we're not going to do that. Please stop chanting." Thankfully all of them brought it down a notch. Gotta love it when one Momma just puts her foot down and takes charge…amazingly they all listened…sorry ladies for taking over in that moment.
So that's a quick run down on what we've been up to. Hope you enjoyed your weekend, its been b-eau-ti-ful here! We have been at the lake and enjoying our last lazy days of summer!