The boys found a storm shelter that they wanted to go explore in…but us parents stopped the expedition before it really even started.

Matt showed the kids his brother's bee hives and told them how they harvest the honey. It was pretty interesting.

Saturday was a big day. We celebrated the money that was raised for heart health and awareness at the 2014 Heart Walk. We had lots of family and friends who were able to join us this year and supported this cause that has become near and dear to our hearts. We were able to raise over $1300 dollars which almost tripled our initial target amount that we set. We owe a big "Thank You" to those of you who helped us surpass our goal and have helped to fund heart research that will one day save even more lives, just like Ava Jane's! We had a great turn out, thanks to all of you who came out and enjoyed the beautiful day with us!
Here's some of our Ava Jane's Angels team.

And our star of the Heart Walk...Miss Ava Jane Head!

During the opening ceremony Adam was asked to say a few words, being that the event was sponsored in part by Arkansas Heart Hospital. He shared a little bit about how personal this issue of heart disease and illness is to us now that we have had a daughter with a Congenital Heart Defect.

It was fun seeing friends and family rally around such a great cause!

My Aunt Jane gets the award for "Furtherest Drive to the Walk". She and Katie Jo drove in from Alma that morning! Thanks for making the effort to be there with us!

The walk was a 5K and took quite a while (I think it was about an hour and half from start to finish). At first it was really bottle necked but the crowd eventually spread out and we were able to pick up the pace a bit.

It was a great walk and a fun time!

There were bounce houses, policemen on horseback and music to dance to afterwards. The Heart Association did a great job putting on the event, I think it was a complete success! I don't know how close they got to their goal of $300,000 but I'll be curious to hear in the next few days! I sure love this sweet little miracle that God has given us! We are so grateful and are indebted to all the medical staff that took care of our sweet little girl and used their talents and skills to save her life. We are forever blessed and oh so thankful!

We are still accepting donations so if you'd like to donate you can follow this link And if you'd like to see last years Heart Walk you can click here.