For two hours, as music blasted through the speakers, people volunteered (hair net and all) to pour rice, soy, chicken seasonings, and dehydrated vegetables, to hold the bags, weigh the packages, seal the bags, pack the boxes and finally pray for the people who will receive the food! It was amazing!

The group I was in, from 7:30-9:30, beat the current record of meals the two hours we were there we packed over 350 boxes, each box holds 36 bags of food and each bag makes 6 the math and that's over 75,000 meals! AMAZING! That's enough for 207 people to have at least one hot meal for an entire year!

Those numbers sound good, and they're a wonderful start, but I can't imagine telling my kids (or myself for that matter) that "you can only have one meal a day!" Our church is well on their way to the 500,000 meal goal that they've set, and I know they'll hit the goal if not exceed it, but what else can we do? There are several things: if you EVER get the chance to pack some meals, DO IT, it's truly so much fun, not to mention life giving to someone! Also, we can partner with Feed My Starving Children financially. Literally, each meal costs only 24 cents, so for a month you can feed 5 children for $36 or you could feed one child for an ENTIRE year for only $88. When was the last time you went to Publix or Kroger and spent $88 and it last you an entire year? NEVER!

It doesn't take much and it's such a necessary life giving mission. Children like Nestle James, who was 2 years old when he was found in the mountains of Haiti was so malnourished that he only weighed 10 lbs. 10 lbs! My one year old weighs over 20 lbs! He was so weak from starvation that he couldn't speak nor could he stand, but after a year of meals from Feed My Starving Children he is back to a normal weight and is back on track developmentally! Praise the Lord!
Proverbs 22:9 says, "Blessed are those who are generous, because they feed the poor." My youth pastor, Mark DeYmaz, used to say, "to whom much is given much is required"...and my thought is, to those who have a full pantry and a well stocked refrigerator, and freezer for that matter, much is required! I challenge you to step up, if God tugs at your heart at all, and join this worthy cause!