I am gonna be real honest, I was not ready for the school craziness to arrive. I truly was enjoying summer days with the kids and could've gone a little while longer. Starting to prep for the first day of school, I'd planned a special back to school breakfast and gotten up in plenty of time to cook the casserole that I'd prepped the night before. All the kids clothes were laid out and ready to go, snacks were packed as were their water bottles. There really wasn't much to do but jump in said clothes, eat said casserole, do a little hygiene, grab the back packs and hop in the car, we even had time for a morning devotion. (Ava Jane couldn't seem to smile without closing her eyes and Emerson couldn't stop talking long enough for me to get a picture without his mouth moving.)

But keeping it real, here on the blog, it took a little longer then usual to get the kids in their uniforms that were laid out for them; they ate a little slower then usual; and with my constant "c'mon guys", "put your belt on", "please put your
other shoe on", then came the yelling..."come to the bathroom so I can do your hair", "did you brush your teeth?" All that to say, I was a little later then I should've been to leave the house. So, our morning had to skip the outdoor, front porch pictures until after school. Actually, I didn't take those front porch pictures until after dinner that evening, and better yet, I've not even posted said pictures until five days later, but who's counting?

But we got the pictures, we made it through the first days chaotic rush and we have officially begun a new year. Where I have one child entering 5th grade, which means he is in the Middle School with a full on locker, an A/B schedule and a new teacher for each period (can someone please tell how in the world Peyton could possibly be starting his 6th year of school!?---I have no idea how this happened.) But he's turned into quite the responsible, thoughtful, kind hearted kid, of whom I am so truly proud of and look forward to watching him flourish this year as he takes on more responsibility and ownership of his classes.

I have three kiddos in the Elementary building and am excited that all of them are on the same hall. In fact, Lawson and Ava Jane are right across the hall from each other, so big brother can walk her into school for me with no problem--- can I get a whoop-whoop? We hit the jackpot with Mrs. Riding for Pre K4, Miss Crews for 1st grade and Miss Wilkie for 3rd. I'm hoping and praying that this year holds great learning for each of them both educationally, physically and relationally.
This girl walked right into her classroom, straight to her chair and immediately sat down. She is so super excited to be in Mrs. Ridings and Mrs. Cole's classroom.
It's gonna take a little getting used to, to get into our new routine where the elementary school lets out at 3:00 and the Middle School ends at 3:15, I spent the first day in carpool lines for both pickups where it took the better part of an hour (from entry to exit off campus)...which is not a welcomed event for Momma. So we will try again and see if we can master the middle of the road pickup where Peyton walks down to the Elementary area and waits for me--fingers are crossed that we can time everything just right.
Hope each of your starts back to school have gone fairly smoothly, thankfully we had a weekend to recuperate a bit. As we start this year with some uncertainty and angst, the verse that has stuck out to me is Lamentation 2:19 "Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children." Praying that the Lord teaches them new things about Himself and that they continue to grow in favor with God and man.