Though the season has been crazy I managed to get a few great pictures of the boys and their sweet fans. So here's a little taste of what we've been up to out at Burns Park. Lawson has quite the natural ability, he can throw harder then most of the boys on his team and when it releases from his hand its usually a hard line ball flying in the right direction.
Oh my word.….MELT.MY.HEART!!!
And here's the cheering section…

(Notice the cowboy boots…we don't leave home very often without them!!)
As for Peyton, he is one of the fastest runners on his team. When he gets a good hit on the ball, its fun to watch him burn it in around the baseball field. In several games he's been the first to score. He works hard and stays very focused out on the pitchers mound. The games we HAVE gotten to play, have been pretty fun to watch!!
Learning good sportsmanship is fun to see develop, whether its the whole team shaking hands or it's one of them helping another teammate up off the ground. It really has been fun to watch this season!