This past weekend was SO.MUCH.FUN! Our Community Group from church started planning this trip a couple months back and I am so thankful we did! It was such a blast to do a road trip together. Its something I had been looking forward to for weeks and I'm really sort of bummed that its come and gone so quickly!
Now leaving town with five of six couples and getting fourteen kids situated with grandparents/sitters is quite the feat, and it didn't come without some hardships or changes of plans! To start it all off the Helmick's started throwing up on Thursday night, and that totally knocked them out for the weekend (turned out they had both the stomach bug and strep throat!) We really missed them! Then Friday morning arrived and I walked into Emerson's room to find he too had thrown up AGAIN! I cleaned him up, started a load of laundry while Adam checked with his parents about still keeping the kids cause we are beginning to wonder if he is allergic to something since his episodes have been so random and sporadic. So after I found out that they indeed still wanted to take the kids I threw myself into high gear trying to get everything packed and ready. That's when I heard "crash" only to find an entire new bottle with 94 loads worth of detergent dumped all over my floor...lovely!
And about that same time I got this picture text from the Koss'...their tags were expired! Wonderful!!
Satan was doing his darndest to keep us frustrated, but we finally made it out of town!
Road trippin' with friends is the best. We took our suburban so the five hour road trip really went by pretty quick cause we just talked the entire way. When we arrived we checked into the hotel, freshened up a bit then headed to dinner at Paradise Cafe.

Matt loves the m&m sugar cookies that they make and just seeing him tote around his little "lunchbox" container of cookies was quite entertaining!
We watched the Mavs play the Cavaliers, and it turned out to be quite a good game. Then we enjoyed desserts/snacks before heading back to the hotel.
Saturday morning we ate breakfast at one of my all time favorite restaurants, La Madeline's, it NEVER disappoints! Then we took off for a little shopping! We put a small dent in Ikea's humongous inventory, it was such fun but overwhelming too!
After making a quick stop for drinks and snacks we hit up Sam Moon, the store with oh so many accessories, and we all walked away with several new pieces to perk up our wardrobes! North Park Mall was our next destination and we enjoyed browsing through Jack and Jill, Hannah Anderson, the Lego store and others...there is just NEVER enough time!
There were reservations for dinner at Houston's so we had to hurry back to change and get ready, we were all running a bit late, (cause the guys had gone to see a movie). Dinner was good, I had the filet and Adam had Red Fish.
Since we had eaten an early dinner we had plenty of time to spend doing whatever we wanted, so we chose to go bowling. This was by far the nicest bowling alley I'd ever been to! Here's Adam stretching while we waited for our lanes to open up...
The girls in their dresses and bowling shoes...
We had so much fun the first round that we had to play twice (Adam and I won both rounds...and its not because of me!)
From there we picked up dessert at BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse, if you've never had their "pazookie" you should definitely try it! It's a personal pan sized chocolate chip cookie with vanilla bean icecream on top,! We enjoyed our tastey treat atop the roof on the 30th floor of our hotel; there was a beautiful view of the city!
There was a pool and hot tub on the roof and my silly husband asked Carol's crazy husband to "do him a favor" sit in this handicapped hoist and let him lower John down into the hot tub...It was by far the funniest moment on the roof. After all, to get to the roof top you had to climb 3 flights of stairs, I'm still wondering how a truly handicapped person would even be able to get to the roof top to use one of the
TWO hoists that they had next to the hot tub...still don't understand that!
It was getting late but we weren't ready to call it a night so we decided to find a table and played Phase 10 for a while, we only made it to phase 4 before we said good night, but it was after midnight when we wrapped it all up.

Who knows what this face was for, and since Carol captured it so clearly I decided to post it because according to my husband I am "the woman with a 1,000 faces" and clearly this is one of them!
Sunday morning came way to early, none of us was ready to head back to reality...we'd honestly just had so much fun being together! We made one last stop in Dallas at The Original Pancake House and enjoyed a delicious breakfast together.
As I think back on the past days and nights with these friends God has so graciously placed in my life, I'm just filled with thankfulness! Thankful to have true friends, thankful to have people to live life with, thankful for iron to sharpen and encourage me in the hard moments and people to simply just have fun with! Let's plan another trip again soon!