For the past several months Adam has known a change was in store, what we struggled with was continuing to move around the country following a job or finding something that would allow us to get more "settled" somewhere (preferably closer to family). As we pursued any and every connection and lead in Little Rock only for the job to not be a good fit for him, or just no current opportunity in Arkansas, we were beginning to realize that we might have to move with his current company several more times before something might pop up closer to home. We had pretty much resigned ourselves to that reality and had released our hopes and desires to the Lord, knowing full well that He had a perfect plan, that would bring us a future and a in that, we felt total peace.
It's funny how when you completely release something over to the Lord, giving over all control and you stop trying out of your human ability, He takes over and works things together for good...why do we ever doubt Him? Well, after we'd pursued all options/leads we were thinking "ok Lord you're gonna have to open a door..." Well, He certainly did. About 4 weeks ago a businessman from Little Rock randomly contacted Adam about a position in Russelleville, AR. We weren't thrilled with that location but it would get us an hour or so away from home and we could be nearer to family and friends back there. So last week we packed up the car and headed to LR for an interview. We were completely shocked and awed when the man presented Adam with a different plan. He didn't want Adam in Russelleville, he wanted him in Little Rock, and he didn't want him to just oversee his medical billing company, he wanted Adam to help him organize, run and make more efficient all of his companies. It sounded like it would be a great fit for Adam with his leadership ability and his skills at seeing a system and making it run more when they called on Monday with an offer we were over the moon and pretty much stunned at how it had all come together (and so quickly too!)
This past week has held lots of things: accepting this job as COO of Medical Assets Holding Company, telling his boss and resigning at his current hospital, talking with moving companies, beginning the house search, setting up my OB appointments in Little Rock, etc...there are so many details that must come together in the next 30 days but I'm slowly but surely knocking out my very lengthy list!
To say we are excited is quite the understatement! We feel truly blessed and stand amazed at how God has heard our prayers and has granted them beyond our wildest dreams, all that has happened in the past week truly has been God orchestrated which has given us such peace as we're now are in the throws of lots of sticky details that at times seem quite overwhelming! He is a good God, He definitely does things in His own time (and His timing often takes you through questioning times, like "Lord, what are you doing right now?" "Why is nothing falling into place?") But once on the other side, we can see some of the why's and see ways that His unanswered prayers in the past have in fact been His mercies in disguise, and really is His gracious protection over us...though its hard to understand when you're walking through the rough patches! Those "rough patches" have in fact led us into a deeper faith and trust in Him and that has been so sweet for both Adam and I. We are amazed at all that God has done and we are truly grateful!
It will definitely be hard to say goodbye to all the wonderful friends we've made here in Birmingham, the Lord has been so faithful to bless us with such a great church home and wonderful friends during our time here. It will be bitter sweet leaving Alabama but we will take many treasured memories with us! So get ready Arkansas friends and family, we're headed back to HOG country and we couldn't be more excited!