I am excited to have started the year with teachers who are precious, loving and kind and with friends in my kids classes that they were thrilled to share so many hours with each day. We went to meet the teacher and set up the locker day and enjoyed meeting the new teachers and prepping their desks for the first day of school.
Ava Jane got Mrs. Penick and Mrs. Casto who teach in the Happy Camper room. (I love a good theme, so this one will be fun to feed into!) Ava Jane enjoyed seeing her class and getting all her school supplies organized (she loves to put things into the right place and creating order so this was a dream come true for her).
Next up was Emerson, he has several of his little buddies in Mrs. Rosenthal's class and it was great catching up with those parents and getting all of his items situated. His teacher is so kind and we look forward to what this year holds.
These booga-boos have been in class together since Kindergarten, we were thrilled to get to do it again!
On the first day of school we do a big breakfast to kick off the year. And I always try to make it special with a little "back to school" table-scape with a few gifts that they'll need, like school sweatshirts, Warrior wear, etc. There's a lot of anticipation on those mornings so its a sweet time together.

And this sweet girl, was thrilled to finally get to go to school F-I-V-E days a week. She was super pumped about all the things she was going to get to learn which made leaving her easier...but not without tears for me. I held it together until I got to the car, but for this Momma who's loved being a stay at home Mom and spent the past eleven years with children by my side, this is certainly a transition of sorts. She is only doing half day, so I still get my afternoons with her, but every single morning, she walks like a big girl into that classroom and enjoys every minute of her time there.
How are they in K, 2nd, 4th and 6th grades? I look at Ava Jane and think, this is how old Peyton was when she was born!!---How can she now be in Kindergarten? I want time to slow down!
And this sweet boy, oh how we love him! His laugh is contagious, his quirkiness unique and his love for his family runs deep. I look forward to watching him grow in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man this next year.
Our Laws-O, we love you so. You are friendly and kind, creative and adventurous. We hope this year holds great memories as you finish Elementary school in the House of Love and that you seek to be a leader in your class and set an example for the younger students to follow.
And this boy right here, how big does he look? So BIG! We are very proud of this young man and the tenacity and intentionality that he exhibits in all areas of life. Peyton, we look forward to watching you pursue the Lord, your friends and your interests this year.
Mrs Chami is one of the most precious people and my children love her! We are thankful for her welcoming and friendly face each and every morning.
These four kids are the best I could have asked for. I love them with my whole heart and look forward to watching them learn new things academically, spiritually and relationally. I'd say the year is off to a great start, here's hoping we can keep up with the after school activities, the homework and everything in between!