Friday, April 29, 2016

Cardiac Classic

Last Saturday, Adam road with 450+ cyclists in the Heart Foundation's, Cardiac Classic.  The Heart Foundation exists to impact knowledge, inspire action and motivate Arkansans to make their heart health a priority.
We arrived early that morning so we had some time to kill. There was an artist who did a great job of depicting each of the kids in his caricatures.  (I'm thinking it'd be fun to have these framed and put them in the playroom.)
We hung around and watched as they took off on the ride.  They started with the 20 milers, then went to the 50 and 60 mile riders.  They did a little warm up lap around Burns Park then headed for the route.
A 91 year old WWII veteran road in this event.  If he can do this, I believe I could totally do it!  I think the Foundation will be doing a Family Ride next year, so be looking for the Head clan to show up for that!
Here's some of the Heart Hospital's Administrative Team who road together, at least for the first 20 miles.
How fun does this bicycle built for two look?  They road in amazing synchrony.
It was a great day to be outside and enjoying the beauty of our state.  We left for a bit for Emerson's soccer game then headed back down there for the end of the ride.  The hospitals chef, Coby Smith, made lots of tasty goodness including 70+ pounds of delicious granola that was divine!
The kids and I were proud of our cyclist who did the 50 mile ride and finished in 2 hours 45 minutes.  I'd say that's really good in my book!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Emerson's First Soccer Season

Emerson has always tagged along for his other brothers games (whether that was baseball, basketball or soccer).  He has been wanting to play soccer for some time now, so Adam and I are excited to be cheering for him this time.  We are playing at Arkansas United with some friends that we know and others we're getting to know.

I'm pretty sure that Emerson is simply excited to be running up and down the field, since chasing his shadow, gazing at the clouds, and looking through his "binoculars" were all happening at different times throughout the hour long game--insert the winking emoji--I'll be sure to have him wear his sunglasses this weekend.  Five year old soccer never changes; its all about exercise, learning to pay attention to the coach and others on the team, as well as the obvious soccer skills (dribbling, shooting and stopping the ball).  Here are some pictures from his game last week.




There was quite a crowd of ever enthusiastic family and friends helping to cheer on the kids.

Lawson watched and cheered from his perch up on top of the extra soccer goals which have become a jungle gym of sorts, but this Momma's not complaining because it keeps half of my kids entertained 100% of the time.

It was pretty breezy and cool last weekend so Ava Jane took advantage of a few quilts that a friend so kindly shared with her, isn't she a cute sideline cheerleader?


Emerson's enjoying his first season of soccer and we're having fun watching him!  Tomorrow morning we'll be cheering on the Cheetahs again.

Spring Break: The Sweet Spot

I've been running mach 2 with my hair on fire and have not been posting as much as I'd like to on this here blog.  I'm a few wee...