Emerson turned five years old a week ago. If anyone knows him at all, they know how much he is captivated by cowboys. He loves the hats, the boots, the chaps and the lasso. So, for the last year he has been asking to have a "cowboy party" so I set about planning it just after Thanksgiving.
Emerson was dressed and ready for this party all day long. To say he was excited would be a huge understatement. He was thrilled!
I have to give a big shout out to Krista Wilson with Krista's Corral over off Hwy 300, she and her husband Bill did an awesome job with this party. It was hands down, one of the best birthday parties I've ever done (and with four kids I've hosted many!) They did it all, the games, the horseback riding, the photo booth and best of all, the cleanup. If you're looking for a place to do a horseback riding party, you should contact them.
It all started with horseback rides on Dallas and Charlie Brown, this little guy was beside himself with excitement!
Emerson rode both Dallas and Charlie Brown just like a big boy would. The first few times Krista asked the parents to walk around and keep a hand on the kiddos, eventually Emerson went around the whole corral without any help at all. He had a blast; I think all the kids had a great time!
How cute are these two?
There was a a hayride out in the field, then games in the corral, a photo booth in the barn and a piñata full of sugary goodness that they successfully knocked down.
After the rides, games and fun, it was time for a snack. We had trail mix, cupcakes, horse suckers and barrels of juice to top off the party. I think this little boy had a very memorable day! He's been talking about it night and day ever since. I'm thrilled he had such a great time. I love him so much, he truly has my whole heart!