We arrived at The Adolphus Hotel which happens to be the where Queen Elizabeth stayed on her State visit back in 1991 along with many US Presidents and other famous names. It was definitely an old school, formal and very traditional atmosphere yet was very comfortable too. There was even high tea offered though we didn't have a chance to do it. Here is downtown Dallas, its quite different from Little Rock's downtown.

That evening we had the rehearsal at the Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek; it was a very beautiful location. The wedding took place on top of the building with a lovely arial view of Dallas.
Here's groom and his entourage of groomsmen!
We were headed back from the rehearsal dinner at Celebrations, which is a southern, farm to table style restaurant where all the sides are served family style and there is no limit to how many main courses you order. My husband, who is very concerned with portion size was of course thrilled with this news!
On Saturday morning the groomsmen all went to play golf while Bill, Donna and I did some shopping. There were five or six teams of guys for the scramble, Adam was glad to get to play with his friends and many of Logan's cousins. As the end of the the round drew to a close the rain that had been falling all morning long got heavier. Now the golf course was nice on the greens and fairways, but with Texas dirt comes Texas mud with all that rain, and some of the grown men had the "great" idea to start a mud fight on the golf course! Adam was shocked when he got hit in the throat with a hard mud clod while getting ready to T-off on the 18th hole. He did have a slight bruise on his throat but that was nothing compared to the young man who'd traveled quite a distance to be at his cousins wedding who got hit squarely in the eye. To make a long story short, instead of attending the wedding, he ended up in surgery to repair his eye. How awful is that? This group of cousins and boys…(uhhmmm…I mean men) are known for their antics and for creating many a crazy story to be told for years to come (these tales become quite funny stories but not usually at the moment that the story occurs.) Needless to say, it will forever be a golf game that goes down in infamy!
That evening, the weather was perfect! The rain cleared up, the sun came out and the blue skies were bright and beautiful! Logan and Amy were precious to watch as they committed themselves forever and whole heartedly to one another. It was a moment we'd prayed for him for many years and to be a witness to their union was moving for sure! After they were presented as the Mr. and Mrs. they proceeded to dance down the aisle to "This Will Be". It was adorable to see them beaming with excitement!
Midway down the aisle they stole another kiss! I'm so, so, so thrilled for them! How cute are they?!
The reception was beautiful, the food was amazing and the band…well, lets just say we danced the night away, I think we left the reception at 11:45! We had two nights in a row where we were up past midnight! But oh, it was sure fun celebrating with them!
We enjoyed visiting with old friends and meeting their newest little boy. It's so nice to have relationships that span the course of time. And since we don't live near one another for these two guys to have seen each other three times in about three months is pretty awesome! (Let's definitely plan that ski trip once little man is a bit bigger!!)
This friendship that Adam has with Logan is one that I'll forever be grateful for. They are truly iron sharpening iron, as they encourage one another to live God honoring lives in their work places, friendship relationships and now their marriages and private lives. I'm so thankful that Adam has someone to help hold him accountable to things and to ask the hard questions. Congratulations Amy and Logan, may God richly bless your marriage!
Sunday morning we checked out and went to eat at Ellen's Southern Kitchen in West End, it had been recommended to us and was for sure a delight! I had Grits with Poached Eggs while Adam went with a more adventurous option-- the bowl of chili with fried eggs on tops. I was a little concerned with his choice but he actually really enjoyed it! We had a terrific weekend! What fun memories were made!