I have had a DSLR camera now for almost 3 years, but honestly I have been extremely intimidated to get off of Automatic and into Manual Mode, but I am hoping to get over my "fear" and begin learning how to capture the precious moments that I get to be apart of each day. So here goes, here's a little bit of what I've captured so far.
We love to paint at the kitchen table...

No matter whether it's actually ON the paper or some other body part!

Then there's the everyday necessity of emptying the dishwasher (keeping Ava Jane off the door has become quite a feat!)


Friday Adam took off of work and we kept Peyton home just for fun! We took the kids to the Children's Museum downtown and I must say that was quite a trip in the POURING DOWN RAIN, trying to get from the parking deck inside the building! You'll have to take notice of all the kids rain soaked clothes in these pics.

For lunch we ate at All Aboard, which was a huge hit as always! The boys were enamored by the train delivery system.

Ava Jane couldn't take her eyes off her crazy brother!

Then there was the jumping on the trampoline...

And of course, there's always something dramatic...so why not a bloody lip? But he's still jumping, no need for ice!

There was some outdoor play so I practiced with the lighting while the sun was setting...

She's learning to wrestle.

Showing me his busted lip. (He's in desperate need of a haircut, gotta get that done this week!)

She sat watching the three "crazies".

And Grammy got some lovin'!

We capped off our weekend with a bike ride/run on Sunday evening around Pleasant Valley.

Tying his shoes tight so he can run faster.

And this poor thing was screaming to get out and run too...so we finally gave in to the pitiful-ness of this little guy!

Sunday evening was perfect, the weather has been beautiful and more fall like than ever, oh how I do love the seasonal changes!

My dear sweet husband pushed the jogger stroller with Ava Jane while also carrying Lawson's bike so that the boys could run and I could try and practice taking pictures...he's a DEFINITE KEEPER! Love you Ad!

There was a little bit of creek time and rock throwing of course. I'm trying to learn how to "freeze" the picture, as you can see from the "splash", I'm starting to get the hang of it which feels good after all my hours of frustration this past week as I've been learning more about my camera!

I am having fun trying new things and learning how to adjust the different settings, I still have so much to learn, but I'm enjoying the class! Hope y'all had a good weekend, happy Monday!