What a wonderful day it has been celebrating the birth of Jesus, who some 2,000 years ago chose to leave the wonders of heaven and put on human flesh. That truth, God's sacrifice, of leaving a perfect place where no pain or heart ache exists to enter a broken and sin filled world, has not been lost on me this year. Lauren Daigle's song "Light of the World" speaks right to my heart when she says, "The world waits for a miracle, the heart longs for a little bit of hope, oh come, oh come, Emmanuel. A child prays for peace on Earth and she's calling out from a sea of hurt, oh come, oh come Emmanuel." More than any other time in my life, lyrics like "a thrill of hope the weary world rejoices" and "peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled" have resonated within my heart and mind this season. The fact that Jesus came to be my Prince of Peace and to also be Emmanuel, God with me, has been salve to my heart this season. What a marvelous and wonderful truth to comprehend.
We enjoyed the Christmas Eve service last night. It's always beautiful singing the Christmas carols and then having the visual of the darkness that is lit up by the twinkle of hundreds of candles.

Afterward we hosted my side of the family for Christmas Eve dinner and enjoyed the traditional Christmas poppers with the paper crowns and small surprises inside.

Today, Christmas morning, was low key. We told the kids not to come downstairs until 8:00, which gave us enough time to prep breakfast, make some coffee and ease into the morning just a bit. These cute kids (and their parents) had a great morning of opening presents and staying in pajamas almost all day.

While the kids have been home this past week, we were able to do some baking. Christmas cookies are always fun and totally tasty goodies that we've been munching on over the past few days...the kids hung with it for a little while but Mom, Whit and I ended up finishing them, there were sprinkles, icing and dough all over the kitchen.
The last day of school, which was the kids class Christmas parties, the 1st and 4th grade classes always do an English traditional Christingle service. There is a lighted candle symbolizing Christ as the light of the world, held within an orange by children at this special Advent service-- it's always such a sweet morning.
Calvin and Lawson with their sweet little 1st grade buddies.
These four boys are good little buds and I'm so grateful for their sweet momma friends of mine.
I bounced around from one Christmas party to the next trying to be in all the places at once. The Happy Birthday Jesus parties were all so sweet and memorable.
The sixth grade had their traditional pajama day with pancakes for breakfast and karaoke fun.
Adam and I hosted and attended several family gatherings over the past week. It is always fun to catch up with extended family and be together.
Arrrrn't these the cutest little pirates you've ever seen?
The day after school let out the D group took our kids to sing at a local nursing home that our church has partnered with. Seeing the kids bring joy to the faces of these elderly and sick people was really heart warming. The simple act of singing was a small gift, but one I know that was welcomed and enjoyed

Hot chocolate for the win!
I do hope your Christmas has been filled with wonder and time cherished with family and friends. I did experience the crazy, busy, peaceful, holy season that was and is Christmas, with the highs and lows that coincide. My sweet Momma shared this quote by Elizabeth Elliot, and I think it is wonderfully stated: "If you dwell on your own feelings about things rather than dwelling on the faithfulness, the love, and the mercy of God, then you're likely to have a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Our feelings are very fleeting and ephemeral aren't they? We can't depend on them for five minutes at a time. But dwelling on the love, faithfulness and mercy of God is always safe." I do hope that this Christmas you experienced the nearness of the Lord--His peaceful presence and the joy-filled hope of seeing prophesies fulfilled in the gift of a precious baby boy named Jesus. Life can be hard, I know this first hand, you may be coming out of a challenging season or about to step into one, I do hope that in the midst of hard things or challenging circumstances, you too will experience afresh, the nearness of the Lord. It's often in the midst of the pressing, when we experience God in new and rich ways. Merry Christmas!